Stephen Ministry
Since 1998, Oak Hill UMC Stephen Ministers have been there to listen and care for members of our congregation and community who experience life transitions.
what is stephen ministry?
Stephen Ministry is an international ministry whose members receive 50 hours of training with continuing education throughout each year. In addition, Stephen Leaders attend an intense, week-long training with fellow Stephen Ministers from all over the world.
Stephen Ministry provides confidential, one-to-one Christian care to persons experiencing difficulties such as changes in relationships, family, employment, relocation, finances, health, spiritual needs, and more.
Stephen Ministry is grounded in Jesus’ commands:
“To equip the saints for the work of ministry.” Ephesians 4:12a
“Therefore, encourage one another and build up each other.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11
“Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2
Could You or Someone You Know Benefit from the
Confidential, One-To-One Care of a Stephen Minister?
We all experience challenges in lifetimes when we could benefit from the support of a caring Christian relationship. Stephen Ministers will “be there” for their care receiver, meeting faithfully for an hour each week, for as long as there’s a need.
Having a consistent and caring relationship brings hope and comfort through the love of Christ, the healing hand of God, and the power of the Holy Spirit.
Sharing with someone confidentially who will not judge you or tell you how to fix the problem lessens the burden.
Verbalizing thoughts to a listening ear can remove the power of the situation over you and allow you to better think through and respond to situations.
Knowing that the Stephen Minister will provide distinctively Christian and strictly confidential care for as long as there’s a need brings comfort, assurance, and peace.
NOTE: A Stephen Minister is not a pastor, counselor or therapist, problem solver, errand runner, or casual visitor. A Stephen Minister is the Care Giver; God is the Cure Giver.
If you would like to speak confidentially about how a Stephen Minister can help you, or are interested in becoming a Stephen Minister, please contact Nancy Goodhue, Stephen Leader Referrals Coordinator:

The Stephen Ministry logo symbolizes that we all are broken people and that it is only through the cross of Jesus that we are made whole. The Stephen Minister is the Care Giver. Christ is the Cure Giver.