Serve in worship
We encourage all who worship at Oak Hill United Methodist Church to participate in leading worship. ​
Here are some areas where you can join in.
Readers and Worship Leaders
Readers and Worship Leaders read scripture, lead prayers, serve communion and help lead the congregation through the worship service. We seek readers/leaders of all ages!​ ​Contact Susan McBride at maddygin@austin.rr.com.
Greeters and Ushers
Greeters and ushers serve visitors and church family alike, helping each person to find a place that meets their needs, offering a program, a friendly handshake, and a warm welcome. They help people find information and other places on campus, and connect them to others. We are always looking for friendly faces to join these teams. ​Contact Brad McMahon at bemcmahontx@gmail.com for more information about becoming an usher. ​​For more information about serving as a greeter, contact Susan McBride at maddygin@austin.rr.com.
Audio Visual Support
We always need help running sound, camera and computer graphics for worship. If you are interested, we can train you! ​​Contact Cole Castenada at techdir@oakhillumc.org.
Online Greeter
Help those who join worship through our Facebook live stream feel welcome and connected to the in-person community. Engage in conversation with those worshiping with us and serve as a liaison to communicate with our A/V volunteers when tech problems arise. If you are interested, we can train you! ​Contact Cole Castenada at techdir@oakhillumc.org.
Sanctuary Stewards
Join the Sanctuary Steward team to prepare the pews for worship each week. Contact Beth Kells for more information.
Join us and to help lead worship through the gift of music. Visit our Music Ministry page here.