Music Ministry
Singing is an integral part of worshiping God, and opportunities abound for children, youth, and adults. If you're interested in making a joyful noise, want more information, or want to sign up, please contact Director of Music Ministries, Louise Avant.
Chancel choir
The Chancel Choir sings regularly for worship at 11 a.m. and on the first Sunday of the month, at 8:30 a.m. throughout the year.
The choir sings a variety of choral literature and one large-scale work every year.
Choir rehearsals are Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm in the Choir Room on the first floor of the Adult Education Building.

Hillside ringers
Hillside Ringers is an adult handbell choir which plays a variety of special music for worship services at various times throughout the year. While the group is composed of experienced ringers, new members are always welcome. If you are interested in ringing handbells, but are not able to join us on a regular basis, or you just want to learn more about ringing handbells, consider joining us as a substitute ringer. Ability to read music is recommended but not necessarily required. Rehearsals are held Tuesdays from 7-8 p.m. in A104 in the Adult Education Building.